K2 Medical Research Accelerates Recruitment for 50+ Years Old Demographic with Grove AI
A leading SMO uses Grace and the Grove AI PRM™ to streamline complex recruitment processes for participants aged 50+ with memory-related conditions.


Prescreen Visit Completion Rate


Screening Qualification Rate


Automated Personalized Interactions

K2 Medical Research Accelerates Recruitment for 50+ Years Old Demographic with Grove AI
A leading SMO uses Grace and the Grove AI PRM™ to streamline complex recruitment processes for participants aged 50+ with memory-related conditions.


Prescreen Visit Completion Rate


Screening Qualification Rate


Automated Personalized Interactions

K2 Medical Research Accelerates Recruitment for 50+ Years Old Demographic with Grove AI
A leading SMO uses Grace and the Grove AI PRM™ to streamline complex recruitment processes for participants aged 50+ with memory-related conditions.


Prescreen Visit Completion Rate


Screening Qualification Rate


Automated Personalized Interactions

K2 Medical Research Accelerates Recruitment for 50+ Years Old Demographic with Grove AI
A leading SMO uses Grace and the Grove AI PRM™ to streamline complex recruitment processes for participants aged 50+ with memory-related conditions.


Prescreen Visit Completion Rate


Screening Qualification Rate


Automated Personalized Interactions

Celerion Increases Screening Pass Rate by 28% with Grove AI
A large Phase I CRO uses Grace and the Grove AI PRM™ to increase screening pass rates and drive recruitment efficiency for a kidney disease trial.


On-site Screening Pass Rate


Saved in 2 Days


Participants Prescreened

Celerion Increases Screening Pass Rate by 28% with Grove AI
A large Phase I CRO uses Grace and the Grove AI PRM™ to increase screening pass rates and drive recruitment efficiency for a kidney disease trial.


On-site Screening Pass Rate


Saved in 2 Days


Participants Prescreened

Celerion Increases Screening Pass Rate by 28% with Grove AI
A large Phase I CRO uses Grace and the Grove AI PRM™ to increase screening pass rates and drive recruitment efficiency for a kidney disease trial.


On-site Screening Pass Rate


Saved in 2 Days


Participants Prescreened

Celerion Increases Screening Pass Rate by 28% with Grove AI
A large Phase I CRO uses Grace and the Grove AI PRM™ to increase screening pass rates and drive recruitment efficiency for a kidney disease trial.


On-site Screening Pass Rate


Saved in 2 Days


Participants Prescreened

Leading Site Network Schedules 580% More Participants with Grove AI
A large, US-based site network uses Grace and the Grove AI PRM™ to prescreen and schedule tens of thousands of participant leads across 15+ sites.


Scheduled On-site Visit


Picked Up The First Call


Showed Up For On-site Visit

Leading Site Network Schedules 580% More Participants with Grove AI
A large, US-based site network uses Grace and the Grove AI PRM™ to prescreen and schedule tens of thousands of participant leads across 15+ sites.


Scheduled On-site Visit


Picked Up The First Call


Showed Up For On-site Visit

Leading Site Network Schedules 580% More Participants with Grove AI
A large, US-based site network uses Grace and the Grove AI PRM™ to prescreen and schedule tens of thousands of participant leads across 15+ sites.


Scheduled On-site Visit


Picked Up The First Call


Showed Up For On-site Visit

Leading Site Network Schedules 580% More Participants with Grove AI
A large, US-based site network uses Grace and the Grove AI PRM™ to prescreen and schedule tens of thousands of participant leads across 15+ sites.


Scheduled On-site Visit


Picked Up The First Call


Showed Up For On-site Visit